Sunday, February 27, 2011

38. The Oscars Night

Tonight Sunday 27, 2011 like every year the red carpet is rolled for the 83rd time the Oscar Award winners in the movies industry. As usual there are winners and losers. I am writing this post to honor and remember the Cambodia star winner of the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe Oscar, Dr. Haing S. Ngor, many years ago in the famous film "Killing Field" (1984), playing the role of Dith Pran assistant to journalist Sydney Schanberg. It was too bad that he was killed by a gang in Los Angeles, cutting short of a potential good career...
    Talking about the Oscar I am also thinking about the beautiful actress Angelina Jolie in the movie "Tomb Raider" that was filmed in the Angkor Park. She loved Cambodia so much that she did ask a young boy for adoption that she named him Maddox. She also sponsor an environmental project in Samlaut, Pailin. For his adopted son, she set up a center called the Maddox Center in Battambang to serve like an orphanage center. I remember she was given the Cambodian citizenship. Congratulations for her initiatives for Cambodia. Angelina Jolie is also UN Goodwill Ambassador. A role model for many...

Update, from last night show:
    Best Picture movie: The King's Speech. According to Washington Post staff writer Amy Argetsinger, this film is "about King George VI's struggle with a speech impediment and the challenges of leadership at the dawn of mass media."
   Best Actor: Colin Firth, in the movie "The King's Speech".
   Best Actress: Natalie Portman, in the movie "Black Swan".
   Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale
   Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo, in the movie "The Fighter".

Friday, February 25, 2011

36. NGOs and the Law

NGO or Non Governmental Organizations are now subjected to new Law that is now in draft form. The draft was circulated in the NGOs circle since December last year. The Ministry seeks for input and lately was in the hands of an official from the US Department of State now visiting Cambodia. His initial comment is that it is not the time for this law yet, comment that is not well received by the Ministy of Interior, as reported in the Phnom Penh Post today (Refer to an older post on this Blog). We will see how far it will go. When I was in Cambodia, friends asked me what I think. I told them that you work with it, live with it, so you look at it and you decide.
    In America, even though I have a job with the State government, in a side I worked all the time with NGOs know here as Non Profit Organizations (NPO). I formed the first one in 1976 the Cambodian Association of Washington that was transformed later into few local organizations. Later I help form many other organizations as part of my job, locally and at the national level. In America, as Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his book "Democracy in America" long time ago that "Americans of all ages, all stations of life, and all typees of disposition are forever forming associations. There are not only commercial and industrial associations in which they all take part, but others of a thousand different types - religious, moral, serious, futile, very general and very limited, immensely large and very minute..." In America the State law of the NPOs is simple but still required organizers to bear responsible in the functioning of their organization. Beside the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) always have an eye on them, from the taxation side.
    In the Cambodian draft law - it may change now - I saw some problems in the reporting and planning part of it. It is too difficult to do. Anyway, if this NGO Law is passed, now or later, there should be an institute just to teach people in the NGOs community how to comply with it.

ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ៖ ពលរដ្ឋ ៩៩,២២% មាន​មធ្យោបាយ​សម្រាប់​ទទួល​ព័ត៌មាន

ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ៖ ពលរដ្ឋ ៩៩,២២% មាន​មធ្យោបាយ​សម្រាប់​ទទួល​ព័ត៌មាន



Talks on NGO law ‘broken’? | National news | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

Talks on NGO law ‘broken’? National news The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

Thursday, February 24, 2011

35. Khmer Women in Politics

After the new found democracy in Cambodia,  there was campaign to encourage our Khmer women to enter the political arena. In fact the total number of the Cambodian population, the women is in majority campared to men. Back in history in the Khmer civilization the role of the women is very important. The word "Me" or Chief is attached in many human organization, ie. Mekhum, Me Srok, Me Kang, etc.
    Still presently, not many were successful in involving in politics, a dozen may be. Today Phnom Penh Post article on Mu Sokhua shows that she had endured many hardship in doing her role as representative of the peole. It is too bad. The other end of the argument: this is the rule of law. Well, there is always the exception to policy... She went trough much humiliation already. She deserved a break...

Sochua in legal limbo Phnom Penh Post

Sochua in legal limbo National news The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

34. The Other Borders

With Vietnam, per the Radio Free Asia report today , the borders demarcation is moving steadily with the implantation of borders posts.



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

33. Borders Wars: the Maps in Question

With the sound of gunfire of Cambodia and Thailand war dying down and a un-declared ceasefire reached de facto, thanks to the United Nations Security Council - Feb. 14th meeting - and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting  yesterday, Feb. 22nd, the war of words continues, more from the Thai side. Thai PM stated there will be no withdrawall of troups, that they remain in the 4.6km2 conflicting area and will respond to any firefight. It fact all along there were from the Thai side that came all provocations. They gave fault to the maps that were drawn by the French and imposed to them. The same maps that were referred to in the June 15th, 1962 Judgment of the International Court of Justice.
    A Thai editorialist stated that in his today paper that : "Thailand, on the other hand, has been arguing that the ICJ ruling only gave Cambodia the sandstone temple, not the surrounding areas. However, common sense says that a temple cannot stand on Cambodian territory unless its surrounding land is also Cambodian."
   But the Thai PM under the Yellow shirts would not agree to that. He may ask their military to reoccuped that vicinity, Cambodia would not accept this incursion and the battle would flare up again. Thai will yell that Cambodia starts first...
     The case is different from the 1950s. Since the 1904 Treaty between France and Siam maps were drawn and the 1907 Treaty reconfirmed that Preah Vihear is on the Khmer soil. After 1954 one year after Cambodia's independence from France, the Thai forces came to occupy the Temple. Negotiations came to no avail and in 1959 the then Head of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk lodge a complaint with the International Court of Justice at the Hague. First Thailand did not recognize the authority of the Court but later yield to the Court Judgment. And in regard to the occupation case, the Court found by 9 to 3 that the Temple is under the Cambodian sovereignty and urged the Thai troops to withdraw from the temple and vicinity, and so they did. Maps drawn by mixed commission were used.
    Now that Thailand do not recognized these maps, so only the ICJ has the authority and shall decide. It is very good that PM Hun Sen is prepared for that. Hopefully the majority of the judges will decide for Cambodia.

With Vietnam, it is different story. These are the borders Maps that the Cambodian Government accepted but the Opposition won't. Both sides referred to the same maps but for some reasons, when proceeding with the borders demarcation, government maps are usurping in the rice fields of the Cambodian people.                Opposition maps using GPS references show that Cambodia had lost many hectares of strip of land along the Vietnam borders. Kem Sokha and Mam Sonando were sentenced to jail terms for alking about it, so do 2 farmers in Svay Rieng. And Chairman of SRP Mr. Sam Rainsy was sentenced in absentia for 2 years term. What an irony!! Whose maps are right? - The Court will decide. But what Court? It is hard to find Justice... The judges are all human beings, it is hard to be independents nowadays!!

Outcome of Jakarta forum changes the landscape

Outcome of Jakarta forum changes the landscape

Asean learns lessons from the border dispute

Asean learns lessons from the border dispute

KI Media

KI Media

KI Media: Michael Hayes’ damaging misapprehension

KI Media: Michael Hayes’ damaging misapprehension

Indonesia to send observers

Indonesia to send observers

Bangkok Post : PM: No troop withdrawal from border

Bangkok Post : PM: No troop withdrawal from border





តុលាការ​កំពូល​នឹង​ប្រកាស​សាលដីកា​សំណុំ​រឿង សម រង្ស៊ី នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​១ មីនា

តុលាការ​កំពូល​នឹង​ប្រកាស​សាលដីកា​សំណុំ​រឿង សម រង្ស៊ី នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​១ មីនា



តំណាង​យូណេស្កូ​នឹង​មក​ជួប​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា-​ថៃ ​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​២៥ កុម្ភៈ

តំណាង​យូណេស្កូ​នឹង​មក​ជួប​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា-​ថៃ ​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​២៥ កុម្ភៈ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bangkok Post : Jakarta to join bilateral efforts

Bangkok Post : Jakarta to join bilateral efforts

32. Preah Vihear Battle: The ASEAN Consencus

The long awaited deal ordered by the United Nations (UN) last Feb. 14th and accepted by the Association of South Eastern Nations (ASEAN) is done with the meeting today Feb. 22nd in Djarkata under the auspices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia now current (rotating) Chair of ASEAN. The final deal is for the two warring nations to embed Indonesian observers in their respective armies to facilitate the implementation of , and monitor the cease-fire. The pending problem: border demarcation. The snag: Demarcation based on what map? - Only the International Court of Justice is competent to decide, in conjonction with their Jugment dated June 15th, 1962. I am glad that PM Hun Sen now agrees on this point that was proposed before by the France based Cambodia Borders Committee Chaired by Former minister Seang Peng Se.
A step at a time. Time to look also at the Eastern and Southern Borders.

Note: On the Northern borders I receive today an email from Dr. Khatharya UM sending me a copy of the letter by King Sisowath dated November 5th, 1906 to the French Resident Superior. Copy will be in the Documents tap of the Menu bar.

Bangkok Post : Wage peace 'like we wage war'

Bangkok Post : Wage peace 'like we wage war'

Indonesia to send observers

Indonesia to send observers

Bangkok Post : Asean: Border talks in third country

Bangkok Post : Asean: Border talks in third country

ASEAN brokers Preah Vihear deal | National news | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

ASEAN brokers Preah Vihear deal National news The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

សម្ភាស​តំណាង​ពិសេស​នៃ​អង្គការ​សហប្រជាជាតិ លោក ស៊ូយ៉ា ស៊ូប៊ែឌី

សម្ភាស​តំណាង​ពិសេស​នៃ​អង្គការ​សហប្រជាជាតិ លោក ស៊ូយ៉ា ស៊ូប៊ែឌី



ហ៊ុន សែន៖ ដំណោះស្រាយ​ជម្លោះ​ព្រំដែន​ខ្មែរ-​ថៃ​ត្រូវ​ការ​អ្នក​ទី​៣​ដឹង​ឮ

ហ៊ុន សែន៖ ដំណោះស្រាយ​ជម្លោះ​ព្រំដែន​ខ្មែរ-​ថៃ​ត្រូវ​ការ​អ្នក​ទី​៣​ដឹង​ឮ

Monday, February 21, 2011

Asean needs new mindset for intra-conflict

Asean needs new mindset for intra-conflict

Thailand agrees to observers on border : Cambodia

Thailand agrees to observers on border : Cambodia

Bangkok Post : Wage peace 'like we wage war'

Bangkok Post : Wage peace 'like we wage war'

31. President Day - USA

Today Monday Feb. 24 is a holiday to celebrate the Presidents of the US. For me it is to look at the Presidents of the US who have made an impact to my native country Cambodia. First came to mind is President Nixon who made an address on April 30, 1970 announcing the bombardment of Cambodia. His name is also in the subtitle of the book of William Shawcross Side Show Nixon Kissinger and the Destruction of Cambodia. The second is President Jimmy Carter who declared that "the Khmer Rouge is the worst Violator of Human Rights in the world". The third is President Kennedy with his famous quote: "Ask not your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." He is also remembered for his question about Peace, true peace and his answer is that it is: "Not the Peace of the Graves or the Security of the Slaves." And his widowed wife Jacqueline went one time to visit Cambodia at that time at the ceremony of dedication of a boulevard in Sihanoukville named after her late husband, Prsident Kennedy.
    I third is President George H.W. Bush the 41st President (1989-1993) for appointing a Cambodian American Mr. Sichan SIV as Sepecial Assistant to the President for Public Liaisons. He was actively involved in the Cambodia Paris Peace Conference. Later he was appointed US Ambassador at the ECOSOC at the United Nations.
     Lastly at the inauguration of President Clinton I was invited to the ceremony. I could not make it, no money to buy the airticket and pay for the program...

Note: In Cambodia, that is know a Kingdom there should be a King's Day. To look back at the history who is good king, and the no good, etc. When? I will think about it.
    Ambassador SIV wote a book "Golden Bones", 2008 Haeper Collins.

Cambodia OKs with Thailand's observer proposal

Cambodia OKs with Thailand's observer proposal

វៀតណាម-កម្ពុជា សហការ​គំរាម​ខ្មែរ​ក្រោម

វៀតណាម-កម្ពុជា សហការ​គំរាម​ខ្មែរ​ក្រោម



Mother, Infant, Child Health Day

Friday, February 18, 2011

Abhisit, wake up and accept Asean's help

Abhisit, wake up and accept Asean's help

Cambodia makes border mountain a strategic point

Cambodia makes border mountain a strategic point

Bangkok Post : Military chiefs may hold ceasefire talks

Bangkok Post : Military chiefs may hold ceasefire talks

The view from Cambodia | National news | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

The view from Cambodia National news The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

30. Majestic Preah Vihear in 360 degrees

29. Vienna & Interpol

The Channel Travel Samantha Brown Vacations series show from 12:30 to 1:00PM today her trip to Vienna. This show is flashing back to my trip there in the Fall of 1973 attending the Interpol General Assembly representing the Police of the then Khmer Republic. I was assisted by Chief of Criminal Police, Officer CHHIM Phonary. Vienna is truly a beautiful city, home of many artists and musicians and of the famous Dancing Horses and the Walse.
   After the Vienna conference I returned back to Paris, and with the arrangement made by the US EMbassy in Phnom Penh, me and my then wife Krasna have made a 10 days visit to the United States visiting Washington DC and New York. In DC I visit the museum of the Federal Bureau of Investigation better known as the FBI and attended a few briefings on diverse topics. I also stopped by the marine base in Maryland and met my cousin YOUK Nado who attended a training there. In New York it was sight seeing tour with the visit of the State Empire Building in particular. A visit was arranged for me to tour the City of New York Traffic Control Room. My US trip began on October 17th and I left on the Holloween Night that I did not much of its tradition. We arrived back to Paris on November 1, 1973 on continued our route to Phnom Penh with a few days stop over in Tokyo staying at the Khmer Embassy with my class mate KY Beng Horn.

Sad note: Krasna was killed by the Khmer Rouge in early 1978.

28. Parti Societe de Justice - PSJ

Or Keaknakpak Sangkum Yutethor in Khmer. 2 days ago last Feb. 17th I received an email from a newly found friend from France now residing in Cambodia. He asked me to find a few compatriots to go and help him to re-energize the above political party that can be translated as Justice Society Party (JSP) of which he is General Secretary. We have talked about it over the phone before but I did not expect that e-mail. It was kind of a choc and took some time to think it over. For since the signing of the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991, I did quit all "political activitiies" and did not belong to any Cambodian political party. Yes I am a contributing member of the American Democratic Party.
   Back to the JSP because of the word Justice in its name I kind of like it. For I quote often somewhere the MLK, Jr. statement that Peace is not simply the absence of conflicts but it is the presence of Justice. A party with this word Justice is appealing. But since I am faithfull to my conscience, last night after deep thought regret I responded to him that I can not help. I did suggest to him to band together with other small parties to have more strength. He still can advocate for Justice. It is needed. I hope he is not too disappointed with me...and meditate on what I said. We connected on Face Book and it happened that his wife was from the same village of my birth place: Phum Prek Ta Sar, Khum Prek Ta Sar, Srok Peareang, Khet Prey Veng. She wrote to mw that she attended the school that I had built long time ago after I had ajob.
   This small village is also of Mr. MAK Phoeun, a historian who is now living in France. A close friend and relative, he works at C.N.R.S, have translated many historical documents binded into 3 volumes on Khmer history and wrote also monographes.

27. Magha Puja Day

It is celebrated by Budhhists in commeration of a special day of the monks Assembly, on that full moon day of the month of Magha. This year it falls on this February 18th and I would like to share the origin of this celebration that was posted in the internet.

Magha Puja Day (Fourfold Assembly or "Sangha Day")
Magha Puja Day takes places on the full moon day of the third lunar month (March). This holy day is observed to commemorate an important event in the life of the Buddha. This event occurred early in the Buddha's teaching life.

After the first Rains Retreat (Vassa) at the Deer Park at Sarnath, the Buddha went to Rajagaha city where 1250 Arahats,(Enlightened saints) who were the Buddha's disciples, without prior appointment, returned from their wanderings to pay respect to the Buddha. They assembled in the Veruvana Monastery with the two chief disciples of the Buddha, Ven. Sariputta and Ven. Moggalana.
The assembly is called the Fourfold Assembly because it consisted of four factors: (1) All 1250 were Arahats; (2) All of them were ordained by the Buddha himself; (3) They assembled by themselves  without any prior call; (4) It was the full moon day of Magha month (March). 

Other Buddhist Celebrations Days are:

The Buddha Day or Visakha Puja Day
The Dhamma Day or the Day of the First Sermon
The Kathina Day or another Sangha Day 

It is good to meditate on the fundamental doctrine of Buddhism that is "Dukkha" or Sufferings...

26. The V-C Treaty of Feruary 18, 1979

It is the Vietnam Cambodia Treaty. Today February 18th in history, 32 years ago, Heng Samrin of Cambodia then known as Popular Republic of Kampuchea and Pham Van Dong of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam have signed the 25 year Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation. In his paper (Cambodian complicit in vietnamization - March 3, 2010) on this subject, Dr. A. Gaffar Peang-Meth wrote “This treaty binds Cambodia and Vietnam in what the treaty terms ‘militant solidarity and fraternal friendship’. In a stroke of the pen, the signatories extol a symbiosis of interests between Cambodia and Vietnam, opening the door to an even more thorough Vietnamization of Khmer land and culture that might have taken place in a federation of the states of the former French Indochina”. Retired Professor Naranhkiri Tith from Johns Hopkins University stated this treaty that “became official in 2005” is “making Cambodians complicit in the Vietnamization of Cambodia.”
If we look at the text of the document in Khmer (in the Documents Pages of this blog), there were clauses to worry about that the above scholars have referred to. It is too bad that the Cambodian government, formed subsequent to the 1993 elections, did not nullify that Treaty as authorized by the 1991 Paris Peace Accords. The Treaty is for 25 years and renewable every 10 years unless a party would like to let it expired with one year notice in advance. Technically his Treaty will expire by 2014 and will extend 10 more years until 2024, if there will be no objection by either party.
The prospect is grim that there will be change. But it is feasible if there is a concerted effort by all Cambodian nationals inside and outside the country to mount a campaign to review or to rewrite that treaty.  And for now we have to live with it. It is a dilemma, now that Cambodia is facing real threats from Thailand at the Northern borders over the Temple of Preah Vihear. Also now we are living in the globalization era, any harsh action is tantamount to racism and discrimination. The best defense is to all Cambodians to resist to all foreign infiltration, cultural or whatever, and to deal with neighboring countries with equal footings, Independence and Dignity. And remember we do not want to have a "Peace of the Graves" nor the "Security of the Slaves". 
The future of Cambodia is in your hands, citizens and their representatives, the latter bear more responsibilities because the country is running by a representative democracy. And remember that treaties and conventions are not casting in stone, they can be renegotiated, amended... if a clause allows, in this case the 10 years clause.



koh satepheap

Thursday, February 17, 2011

25. "Peace is not merely the Absence of Conflicts...

... but it is the Presence of Justice" once said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It is the case now in the conflict between Cambodia and Thailand over the Temple of Preah Vihear and its vicinity. The UNSC proposed the parties to have a permanent cease fire, but the it is a semblance of peace. But the conflict is still there and like an absess it may flare up again. The solution is to find justice for all.
   In 1962 the International Court of Justice had oncee pronounced its verdict on Preah Vihear, but it is not clear on the surrounding territory of the Temple. Now both PM advance the idea to go back to the Court for final decision. Why not go for it... and that Justice will prevail once and for all; both parties shall abide by its findings. With the triumph of Justice, Peace will return for the good of the people of both nations.

Bangkok asked to sign ceasefire during Asean FM meeting

Bangkok asked to sign ceasefire during Asean FM meeting



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ally from the East & the Far North

Nation affirms importance of ties with Cambodia
VietnamNet (Hanoi)
Viet Nam attaches great importance to its relations with Cambodia and would make every effort to nurture the bilateral traditional friendship and comprehensive co-operation, said a senior Party official.

Hoang Binh Quan, a member of the Communist Party of Viet Nam's (CPV) Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations, made the statement at meetings with several of Cambodia's leaders during his visit to the country from February 14-15.

Quan, who doubles as the Special Envoy of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, was received by King Norodom Sihamoni, Chairman of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and President of the Senate Chea Sim, Vice Chairman of the CPP and Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Honorary Chairman of the CPP and President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin.


Les blindés vietnamiens en route vers Preah Vihear pour aider le Cambodge
·  jeudi 17 février 2011
Une compagnie de chars vietnamiens a traversé le Cambodge pour rejoindre la frontière avec la Thaïlande. Alors que l’ONU presse pour ouvrir un dialogue au sein de l’ASEAN, les belligérants se préparent au combat.
Ban Ki-moon demande l’ouverture du dialogue au sein de l’ASEAN pour enfin régler le différent de frontière qui oppose le Cambodge à la Thaïlande. Pour rappeler les faits brièvement, le temple de Preah Vihear se trouve sur la frontière géographique entre les deux pays. Suite à une dispute de frontière, l’ONU a officialisé le temple comme étant sur le territoire cambodgien. Aujourd’hui, la Thaïlande qui n’a jamais accepté cette décision, conteste et revendique la zone autour du temple (qui deviendrait alors une minuscule enclave cambodgienne).

Il est vrai que géographiquement, le temple se trouve sur le plateau thaïlandais qui plonge ensuite sur la plaine cambodgienne. Si la géographie faisait les frontières, Preah Vihear serait en Thaïlande. Mais voila, les frontières sont faites par les guerres et non par la géographie. Lorsque la France colonisa l’Indochine, le Cambodge était presque totalement absorbé par ses voisins voraces ; le vaste empire khmer avait disparu. Les négociations de l’époque avaient rendu la plaine d’Angkor Wat aux cambodgiens augmentant la haine millénaire de Taï envers les khmers. Seul le Vietnam (chouchou de la France) avait gardé Phu Kok et le delta du Gange annexé recemment.
Je referme ici la parenthèse historique qui pourrait être développée bien davantage.
La Thaïlande accepte l’ouverture du dialogue à condition que le Cambodge donne ses territoires avoisinants Preah Vihear. Pour arriver à ses fins et envahir cette portion de territoire malgré l’avis de l’ONU, la Thaïlande provoque l’armée cambodgienne dans le but de la voir réagir et ainsi l’envahir pour éviter le risque pour sa population. Cette tactique est intelligente et montre une certaine connaissance de l’adversaire et ses faiblesses. Le Thaï plus puissant n’attend qu’une occasion pour « moucher » ce voisin haï.

Mais les cambodgiens, certes très corrompus, ne sont pas assez stupides pour tomber dans le piège grossier. Aussi l’armée tente d’empêcher ses hommes de répondre aux provocations thaïlandaises (l’affaire du drapeau, puis celle des grenades,…). Mais le risque est important de voir un soldat réagir et donner l’excuse que laThaïlande attend pour lancer une offenssive.
Pour convaincre son voisin de rentrer chez lui, le Cambodge demande de l’aide aux autres voisins. Et comme toujours dans l’histoire du Cambodge, ceux qui aident demandent des compensations importantes (Phu Kok avait été obtenu par ce biais).
Des chars vietnamiens traversent le Cambodge et la Chine fournit ses avions de chasse.

Je peux vous dire que le choc a été grand pour le témoin qui m’a raconté la scène. Il y a 20 ans l’homme a vu les chars vietnamiens arriver pour « libérer » le pays des khmers rouges. Ces vietnamiens sont restés ont pillé les ressources et emporté les richesses d’un pays pourtant à l’agonie.
Il a cru mourir de peur samedi, tôt le matin en voyant à nouveau une colonne de blindés vietnamiens, emprunter le même chemin, 20 ans après pour à nouveau « sauver » le Cambodge !
Ces blindés sont envoyés pour faire peur à la Thaïlande et pour faire un poids dans la balance des négociations. Mais le Vietnam, comme la Chine ont obtenus de belles compensations pour cette aide. Outre leur influence renforcée au sein de l’ASEAN et la perte de crédibilité du capitaliste thaï, le Vietnam et la Chine louchent sur les réserves pétrolières trouvées dernièrement au Cambodge. (d’ailleurs le Vietnam a déjà offert de fournir le pétrole dont le pays a besoin en attendant de pouvoir exploiter lui-même ses ressources, en échange de droits d’exploitation futurs).

L’escalade de la violence et de la préparation à la guerre inquiète les ONG présentes au Cambodge et affolent les expatriés. Le risque d’un embrasement de la région est faible mais réaliste. Les puissances régionales et internationales ne laisseront pas s’enflammer le sud-est asiatique. Trop sensible, la région a beaucoup d’intérêts et attire le regard des USA mais aussi de la Chine et de L’inde. Aucun de ces grands n’a intérêt à la guerre entre la Thaïlande et leCambodge, encore moins l’ASEAN. Seule la Thaïlande peut vouloir une guerre pour retrouver une popularité nationale perdue au moment de la crise des chemises rouges…
source : LGV

Authorities should stop stirring the pot needlessly

Authorities should stop stirring the pot needlessly

Asean observers needed for all meetings with Thailand : Cambodia

Asean observers needed for all meetings with Thailand : Cambodia

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bangkok Post : PAD wants Cambodians out first

Bangkok Post : PAD wants Cambodians out first

Bangkok Post : Split decision, with both claiming victory

Bangkok Post : Split decision, with both claiming victory

Bangkok Post : Ceasefire may well be an impossible dream

Bangkok Post : Ceasefire may well be an impossible dream

"What surprises you most about humankind?" | Sharing Issues

"What surprises you most about humankind?" Sharing Issues

Bangkok Post : 5 Thai soldiers hurt in border clash

Bangkok Post : 5 Thai soldiers hurt in border clash





More clashes in Bahrain and Yemen; calls in Iran to punish opposition leaders

More clashes in Bahrain and Yemen; calls in Iran to punish opposition leaders

Monday, February 14, 2011

24. A Song to Think about...

By the Khmer Surin people...

UN withholds involvement in temple conflict

UN withholds involvement in temple conflict

UNESCO to assess damage to Hindu temple caused by Thai-Cambodian clashes

UNESCO to assess damage to Hindu temple caused by Thai-Cambodian clashes

Security Council urges permanent ceasefire after recent Thai-Cambodia clashes

Security Council urges permanent ceasefire after recent Thai-Cambodia clashes

Security Council Press Statement on Cambodia-Thailand Border Situation

Security Council Press Statement on Cambodia-Thailand Border Situation

23. Valentine Day 2011: A Day of Decision

... for Cambodia. After the February 4-7 fighting, PM Hun Sen alerted the UNSC asking for a urgent meeting of th Security Council. He got it. The Council meets today and also the Foreign Affairs Ministers of both warring factions were invited to talk. Plus The Foreign Minister of Indonesia wo is current Chair of ASEAN. Among other charges Cambodia blames Thailand for also breachng the 1991 Pars Peace Accords.
    The UNSC will decide today. Read below:

UNITED NATIONS : The UN Security Council has called for a "permanent ceasefire" between Thailand and Cambodia after a border dispute erupted into deadly clashes last week around a Hindu temple.

The council insisted it would not intervene in the border dispute.
Council president Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil made the call for a ceasefire after a closed door session with the foreign ministers of Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia, which has attempted to mediate the conflict.
"Members of the Security Council urge the parties to establish a permanent ceasefire and to implement it fully," she said.
Ms Viotti said council members expressed "great concern" over the clashes and "called on the two sides to display maximum restraint and avoid any action that may aggravate the situation".

Note: Indonesia is the Co-Chair with France of the Paris Political Setlement Agreement aka the Paris Peace Agreement signed in ParisOctober 23, 1991.

Asean's expanding role in conflict settlement

Asean's expanding role in conflict settlement

Thai FM to speak after UNSC meeting

Thai FM to speak after UNSC meeting

Bangkok Post : Kasit ready to address UNSC

Bangkok Post : Kasit ready to address UNSC

Sunday, February 13, 2011

22. A Star Is Born

From the recent battles with the Thai Army for Preah Vihear Temple and the 4.6Km2 surrounding land, a new star is born. It is the two star General Hun Manet, eldest son of PM Hun Sen. He is acclaimed as a military hero who has demonstrated his military skill facing a superior force and successfully defending Cambodia's territorial itegrity.
   Hun Manet got western education, graduating from West Point Military Academy and a PhD in economics from a British University. I hope that he would work for at  real democracy in Cambodia and defend Cambodia territorial democracy from all sides.
    What worry me is this old saying that state "Tel Pere, tel Fils" or "LIke Father, Like Son". I strongly hope that it will not apply...

   The Future will tell.

Bangkok Post : With alternatives like these, Let's try ping pong for peace

Bangkok Post : With alternatives like these, Let's try ping pong for peace



21. Frebruary 13th, 1904

This is a date to remember. Why?

This day in history, February 13th, 1904 the then Siamese Government signed a Convention replacing the Convention of October 7th, 1902 dealing with the settlement of the conflicts between France and Siam. This new treaty of 1904 was signed by Pya Suriya the Siam Minister in Paris with Delcasse representing  France. By this Convention France exerted her supremacy over Siemreap and Battambang, among other rights. This Convention was not ratified and subsequent discussions led to the Protocol of June 29th 1904 in which Siam agreed to give Trat in exchange for the evacuation of Chantaboon and the Kentao district near Chiengkarn. Finally the Convention of 1904 was ratified in December 1904.
Following the ratification of this Convention a mixed Commission was appointed to work on the demarcation of the borders lines. The Commission mandate was from 1904 to 1907: Mom Chatidej Udom from the Siam side and Lt-Colonel Bernard from the French side.
At the conclusion of his work, in 1906 Bernard returned to France drafted new plan to deal with Siam that was accepted by Clemenceau in November. He went back to Bangkok in early 1907 and engaged the Government into new negotiations. The French new demands were discussed and accepted on March 13th, 1907 and 10 days later the Treaty was signed on March 23rd 1907. It was ratified by the France Parliament on June 21st 1907. By this 1907 Treaty Siam, among other things, ceded the three provinces of Battambang, Sisophon and Siemreap to France. The maps drawn by the mixed Commission were then used and circulated as part of execution of the Treaty. They were known as the 1/200,000 maps.
These maps were used by the International Court of Justice in the Judgments of the case of Preah Vihear Temple – June 15th, 1962. Thailand referred to a set of maps of their own which do not have any international recognition.

A bit of history: The story behind these treaty and convention went back to the time the French came to Cambodia and King Norodom signed with France the Treaty of August 11, 1863 by which France excerted its Protectorate over Cambodia. To please Siam that had also oversight power over Cambodia King Norodom secretly signed with the Siam King the Treaty of December 1, 1863 that was ratified on January 4, 1864.
    After being informed of this secret deal France was furious and using their military power France and Siam signed a Treaty of April 14, 1865. This is followed by another Treaty signed July 19, 1867 after military action by France, and followed by anoter Treaty signed July 19, 1867.
   Most of the treaties dealt with France rights and Cambian provinces annexed by Siam that France insisted to get them back. France also occupied some of the Siam provinces and districts. To that effect another Treaty was signed on October 1893. There was a time of peace until a few years later that France renewed her claims that led to the October 7, 1902 Treaty, and the February 13, 1904 stated above...
Note: Information on Treaties was obtained from the book by Mnaich Jumsai: History of Thailand and Cambodia.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

20. President Lincoln

Today in history Feb 12, 1809, was born  the 16th President of the United States: President Abraham Lincoln. He is remembered for his accomplisment on the abolition of the slavery and his handling of the American Civil War.
   April 15 1865, assassinated, on the 3rd day of the Khmer New Year 2 years after the signing of the French Protectorate over Cambodia.

His portrait is casted on the face side of the penny coin of the American money.

19. Demonstration to Support Cambodia on Preah Vihear Temple

Today from 10:00AM to 12:00PM at the business center of White Center, West Seattle, Washington State.
A letter is to be sent to UN Secreatry-General:

Seattle, February 12, 2002
The Honorable Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of The United Nations
760 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Dear Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
We, Cambodian-Americans citizens residing in the State of Washington, would like to express our deepest concerns over the war in the surrounding area of the Khmer temple of Preah Vihear, arising from the registration with UNESCO of the said Temple as World Heritage, on the one hand, and on the other, the dispute over a piece of land of 4.6 km² in the vicinity of the Temple, beginning in 2008.
   Since then, there were small arm clashes each year. Cambodian and Thai talked for about three years to settle the dispute, but could not find a solution to end the dispute, but more conflicts. There were exchanges of gunfire with small arms and artilleries since February 4th this year, causing heavy damages to the World Heritage of Preah Vihear Temple, the destruction of Buddhist Temple of Keo Sekha Kiri Svarak, the villagers’ dwellings, and the losses of human lives on both sides.
   In fact, the conflict seems to gain momentum and spreads fast into other areas along the border with Thailand. A big war is more likely to continue between Cambodia and Thailand, and it can possibly cause other countries to get involved as well, if there were no comprehensive political settlement.
   It is very fortunate that Cambodia is provided with the Paris Peace Agreements of October 23, 1991 for Cambodia, but the Agreements have never been fully applied in the last 19 years, and Cambodian people have never received true peace nor real democracy. Now, we strongly believe that the Agreements need desperately to be reviewed in order to end the conflict in Cambodia among Thailand and Cambodia, and Vietnam as well. A redeployment of a peace keeping force or an international commission of control mechanism in Cambodia is highly recommended.
   On behalf of Cambodian-Americans living in Washington State, we would like to humbly ask You, General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon, to use you capacity and all means available to You to end the conflict before it becomes worse.
Our Humble Respect and Appreciation,



Bangkok Post : Asean calls urgent border talks

Bangkok Post : Asean calls urgent border talks

Friday, February 11, 2011

18. Egypt: Triumph of Peaceful Revolt for Democracy

This day Friday February 11, 2011 is a great day: shortly after 6:00PM there was an announcement by the Vice President. After 18 days of peaceful protests, President of Egypt Mubarak for 30 years, finally steps down passing the power to the Army. A good lesson for leaders of authoritarian regimes everywhere. A reporter says that "Freedom is contagious", and sometime it needs "to be taken, not given".
    American leaders suggest all along that government should rule "by consent not coercion", and that "Democracy must be real and elections must be truly free and fair".
    Congratulations to the Egyptian people.

Lesson: Success of the Peaceful Revolution is because of the support of the Egyptian Police and Army.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The War: The UN Security Council Response

UN Security Council has agreed to meet on Feb 14 to solve the border clashes between Thailand and Cambodia, Inter City Press reported.

The council reached the conclusion on late Tuesday, the Press; a non-governmental organization said.

To make clear that the UN is deferring to the regional group, Indonesia, as chair of this year's Asean, will be invited to the meeting. The country will be represented by Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa.

The meeting seemed to respond to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's request for the UN to intervene in the dispute while Thai PM Abhisit Vejjajiva insisted that the dispute should be solved on bilateral basis.

Meanwhile Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the Press on Tuesday that he had spoken with the prime ministers of Thailand and Cambodia. Some wonder why Ban isn't mediating, or even asked to mediate, under UN Charter Article 99.

In Bangkok, Chavanond Indharakomalsut, secretary to the foreign minister that FM Kasit Piromya is scheduled to travel to the UN to explain the Thai positions to the UN chief next week.

One of the positions is that Thailand wanted the problems be solved bilaterally and did not want to see a third party step in.

Wednesday, 09 February 2011 14:03
The Nation
បាងកក៖ ក្រុម​ប្រឹក្សា​សន្តិសុខ​អង្គការ​សហ​ប្រជាជាតិ បាន​ឈាន​ដល់​សេចក្តី​សម្រេច​មួយ​ហើយ​ ​កាល​ពី​ល្ងាច​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ​ម្សិល​មិញ។ នេះ​បើ​យោង​តាម​ការ​​​អះ​អាង​របស់ The Press ដែល​ជា​អង្គការ​មិន​មែន​រដ្ឋាភិបាល។

ដើម្បី​បញ្ជាក់​ច្បាស់​ថា អង្គការ​សហ​ប្រជាជាតិ​នឹង​ធ្វើ​តាម​​ប្លុក​តំបន់ ប្រទេស​ឥណ្ឌូនេស៊ី​ ក្នុង​ឋានៈ​ជា​ប្រធាន​ប្តូរ​វេន​របស់​អាស៊ាន នឹង​ត្រូវ​បាន​អញ្ចើញ​ឲ្យ​ចូល​រួម​ក្នុង​កិច្ច​ប្រជុំ​នេះ​។ ប្រទេស​នេះ​នឹង​ត្រូវ​តំណាង​ដោយ​លោក​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី​ការ​បរទេស​​ Marty Natalegawa

កិច្ច​ប្រជុំ​នេះ​ហាក់​បាន​ឆ្លើយ​តប​ទៅ​នឹង​ការ​ស្នើ​ឡើង​​របស់​លោក​នាយក​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី​កម្ពុជា ហ៊ុន សែន ឲ្យ​អង្គការ​សហ​ប្រជាជាតិ ចូល​អន្តរាគមន៍​ក្នុង​ជម្លោះ​នេះ ខណៈ​ដែល​នាយក​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី​ថៃ បាន​​អះ​អាង​ថា ជម្លោះ​នេះ​គួរ​តែ​ត្រូវ​បាន​ដោះ​ស្រាយ​នៅ​​​កម្រិត​ទ្វេ​ភាគី។

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ជំហរ​មួយ​របស់​ថៃ គឺ​ថា ប្រទេស​ថៃ​ចង់​​ឲ្យ​បញ្ហា​នេះ​ត្រូវ​បាន​ដោះ​ស្រាយ​ទ្វេភាគី និង​មិន​ចង់​ឃើញ​ភាគី​ទី​បី​ចូល​មក​ពាក់​ព័ន្ធប្រែ​សម្រួល ឌិត សុខធី



Conflit entre Thaïlande et Cambodge: Paris prêt à fournir des cartes du début du 20e
publié le 09/02/2011 à 14:08

PARIS - La France est prête à fournir des cartes réalisées au début du 20e siècle pour contribuer à la résolution du conflit entre la Thaïlande et le Cambodge autour du temple de Preah Vihear, a indiqué mercredi le ministère français des Affaires étrangères.

"La direction des archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes conserve un exemplaire français du traité franco-siamois de 1907 ainsi que les archives de la partie française de la commission de délimitation, parmi lesquelles des documents cartographiques", a précisé lors d'un point de presse le porte-parole du ministère, Bernard Valero.
"Ces archives sont accessibles et ont déjà été consultées au cours des dernières années. Nous apporterons bien entendu toute l'aide nécessaire à tout pays qui nous demanderait de consulter ou prendre copie de ces documents", a-t-il ajouté alors qu'il lui était demandé si la France était disposée à fournir ces cartes pour aider à une résolution du conflit Thaïlande/Cambodge.

Selon une source diplomatique, le traité franco-siamois de 1907 n'inclut pas de cartes. Mais pour sa préparation, une commission de délimitation avait travaillé entre 1904 et 1908 à établir plusieurs cartes de la région.

La France a signé ce traité et elle dispose de ces cartes, car elle a exercé un protectorat sur le Cambodge de 1863 à 1953.

Le litige frontalier ancien entre le Cambodge et la Thaïlande a donné lieu ces derniers jours à des affrontements meurtriers entre les deux pays, ayant fait au moins huit morts.

Le temple khmer datant du XIe siècle relève de la souveraineté du Cambodge, selon une décision de la Cour internationale de justice de 1962, non accompagnée d'un tracé de frontières. Les
Thaïlandais contrôlent ses principaux accès et les deux parties revendiquent une zone de 4,6 km2 en contrebas de l'édifice.


The articles and commentaries on this forum reflect only the personal opinion(s) of the poster(s) and not that of any organization or group with which the moderator(s) is (are) affiliated. A forwarded message or event may be posted for informational/ educational purposes. Unless specifically stated, no endorsement of the posted opinions/events should be implied.

Monday, February 7, 2011

17. Cambodia - Thailand Conflict: Toward a Solution?

Finally Cambodian PM Hun Sen lodges a complaint to the UN accusing Thailand of violating:
1. Article 2.3, 2.4, and 94.1 of the UN Charter;
2. Article 2 of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeat Asia; and
3. Article 2 of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement Article 2.2.c and 2.2.d.
The Cambodian wants also UN Peace Keepers coming to stay in the buffer zone.

The Thai side wants to continue the bilateral settlemnt. Is it "fight,, talk..." ?

No words on the International Court of Justice decisions that pronounce in favor of Cambodia in their judgements of May 26, 1961 and June 16, 1962. The following are excerpt of the Judgements:

May 26, 1961:
   The Court
Rejects the first preliminary objection of Thailand, and finds that it has juridiction to adjudicate upon the dispute submitted to it on 6 October 1959 by the Application of Cambodia.

June 15, 1962:
   The Court
. By nine votes to three,
finds that the Temple of Preah Vihear is situated in territory under the sovereignty of Cambodia;
   Finds in consequence,
. By nine votes to three,
that Thailand is under an obligation to withdraw any military or police forces, or other guards or keepers, stationed by her at the Temple, or its vicinity on Cambodian territory;
. By seven votes to five,
that Thailand is under an obligation to restore to Cambodia any objects of the kind specified in Cambodia's fith Submission which may, since the date of occupation of the Temple by Thailand in 1954, have been removed from the Temple or the Temple area by the Thai authorities.

Excerpt from ICJ Files

Khmerization ខែ្មរូបនីយកម្ម: Hun Sen's letter to UNSC on Cambodian-Thai armed clashes

Khmerization ខែ្មរូបនីយកម្ម: Hun Sen's letter to UNSC on Cambodian-Thai armed clashes

Sunday, February 6, 2011

16. War, Revolution, Super Ball & Celebrations

War. In Cambodia the war between Cambodia and Thailand at the Temple of Preah Vihear that was started just hours after talks between their Foreign Affairs Ministers last Friday continues after a few stop and go... more dead and wounded. Fear of damage to the 900 year old Temple. PM Hun Sen sent a letter to UN requesting a urgent meeting of the National Security Council. Now, Hun Sen starts to recognize the merits of the Paris Peace Agreement signed October 23, 1991. I hope it is not too late... The 20th Anniversary  will be in 9 months...
   Big event to follow...

Revolution. In Egypt, the protests continue. The anti government got some points... The US urge a peaceful transition to real democracy, now...

    1. President Ronald Reagan (2/6/1911 - 6/5/2004) 100 years birth day, if he is alive. Still very popular as ever before. Refer to previous post.
    2. Ryan Hoy's birthday. He help me with the starting of this Blog. We (me and my wife Thach) had dinner last night at the Chinese ZEN Restaurant in Mill Creek with his GF Bria B, his brother Chris and GF Lina, and his parens Honn and Sokhoeun. It was also on the last day of the Lunar (Chinese) New Year, Year of the Rabbit.
    3. The 45th Super Ball winner (Pittsberg Steelers vs. Green Bay Packers) will get the Foot Ball Vince Lombardi World  ChampionshipTrophy. The Packers win 31 to 25, the 4th in their history.

Meeting: 1:PM I am invited to the Board meeting of the Seattle-Sihanoukville Sister City Association. Chair: Sam Tonn

Saturday, February 5, 2011

មន្ត្រី​ខ្មែរ ៖ កម្ពុជា​ស្លាប់ ៣ ថៃ​ស្លាប់​ជាង ៣០​នាក់

មន្ត្រី​ខ្មែរ ៖ កម្ពុជា​ស្លាប់ ៣ ថៃ​ស្លាប់​ជាង ៣០​នាក់


"HISTOIRE DES KHMERS - L'Odyssee du peuple cambodgien" is the title of a book written by Professor THACH Toan and published by L'Harmattan in France in 2009. I visited and stay with him at his apartment in Nice, France a few nights when his book just came out from the press. He gave me a copy; and recently he translated into Khmer printed in Cambodia. There were books written in the subject but what is new is that this author is presenting new understanding of the Khmer culture and new interpretation of the events and institutions that are inherent to the Khmer civilization. A book to read.
   Yesterday I talked to him just to say hello and he told me that he is in the middle of writing a new book - he say that he is getting old and it is slow to finish. It is half way done.
   I have known Prof. THACH for a long time. He served in the Khmer Republic 2nd Long Boret Government as Minister of Labor and Social Action, and I was Under-Secretary for National Security.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Border clashes leave one Cambodian soldier dead | National news | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

Border clashes leave one Cambodian soldier dead National news The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

14. The Armed Conflict with Thailand

It explodes on just a few hours after the meeting between Foreign Ministers Hor Namhong and Kasit Phirumya of Cambodia and Thailand respectively. It is at the Preah Vihear Temple. They used not small arms but 105 howlitzer cannon and rockets... Cambodia claims many soldiers thai dead and captured with arms and munitions. Thai minimizes their casualties showing in the press a 50 years old civilian dead.
   Each side blamed the other for starting first... The Nation shows a map, posted in this blog earlier.
Update: Bangkok Posts reports a cease fire was concluded after 2 hours fight and the fight left a Khmer soldier and Thai villager dead. Five Thai rangers are captured by the Cambodian forces

Will see...

13. The Chinese New Year

It is not a Holiday in Cambodia, but most of the shops are closed, many students did not go to school, so do many civil servants: they show up and leave. RFA broadcasts about the increase of Chinese investments in Cambodia. Also an article about the history of the Chinese migration that dated since early in the Khmer History.
     It seems that the New Cambodia is easely receptive to foreign influence. Many people in the market place called me Ah Cong and Ah Hea (?), as with my dark skin, I have nothing of a chinese descent. In this age of globalization with the opening of everything, the Khmer people may loose their roots and their culture... with that, may be their homeland. Cambodia may continue to exist but torn down from East and West, North and South as in the old time in a undeclared neo Cold War.
   The modern political relationship with Cambodia emerged since the mid 1950s with the trip of the late Premier Chou En Lai. And later the Khmer Rouge embraced the Chinese Cultural Revolution making their Angkar the most extreme organization blamed for the Killing Fields responsible for the death of over 1.5 plus million of people.
   January 7, 1979 the Khmer Rouge were kick out of power by the Vietnamese that opened a gate for Vietnamese colonization. The Chinese launched a brief punitive action against the Vietnamese at their Southern borders. After that Cambodia was left to the regional geopolical fight that was ended in 1991 with the Paris Peace Agreement signed on October 23, 1991. It is too bad that our Leaders ignored their values, the same way the Geneva accords of 1954 were not respected in their true spirit.
   Now Thailand attacked Cambodian forces protecting Preah Vihear: What China will do? - Yes the great China with many billions of inhabitants, the future economic and military power where Khmer Archives were kept since time immemorial, will help. But we have to help ourselves first, by protecting ourselves our culture, our independence and our territorial integrity. Kom tuk chet borrtess, kom tuk chet aphiness, kom tuk chet aphipraay... as an old Kmer saying goes.

Border clashes kill six

13. Border clashes kill six

Thursday, February 3, 2011

12. The Spy in Your Hand

This is the title of an article under the topic "Scam Alert: When smartphones tap your conversations" written by Sid Kirchheimer and published in the AARP** Bulletin issued for the month of January-February 2011.
   In summary the author warns us that "using spyware other people can hijack your phone that allows them to hear your calls, see your text messages, e-mails, phographs and files, and track your location through constant GPS updates." There are warning signs to help you check if your phone is infected.
   But Tim Wilcox, owner of International Investigators Inc. says that "Your best defense is to buy a $20 phone with prepaid minutes for your sensitive conversations."

**American Association of Retired People.