Monday, February 21, 2011

31. President Day - USA

Today Monday Feb. 24 is a holiday to celebrate the Presidents of the US. For me it is to look at the Presidents of the US who have made an impact to my native country Cambodia. First came to mind is President Nixon who made an address on April 30, 1970 announcing the bombardment of Cambodia. His name is also in the subtitle of the book of William Shawcross Side Show Nixon Kissinger and the Destruction of Cambodia. The second is President Jimmy Carter who declared that "the Khmer Rouge is the worst Violator of Human Rights in the world". The third is President Kennedy with his famous quote: "Ask not your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." He is also remembered for his question about Peace, true peace and his answer is that it is: "Not the Peace of the Graves or the Security of the Slaves." And his widowed wife Jacqueline went one time to visit Cambodia at that time at the ceremony of dedication of a boulevard in Sihanoukville named after her late husband, Prsident Kennedy.
    I third is President George H.W. Bush the 41st President (1989-1993) for appointing a Cambodian American Mr. Sichan SIV as Sepecial Assistant to the President for Public Liaisons. He was actively involved in the Cambodia Paris Peace Conference. Later he was appointed US Ambassador at the ECOSOC at the United Nations.
     Lastly at the inauguration of President Clinton I was invited to the ceremony. I could not make it, no money to buy the airticket and pay for the program...

Note: In Cambodia, that is know a Kingdom there should be a King's Day. To look back at the history who is good king, and the no good, etc. When? I will think about it.
    Ambassador SIV wote a book "Golden Bones", 2008 Haeper Collins.

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