Tuesday, February 22, 2011

32. Preah Vihear Battle: The ASEAN Consencus

The long awaited deal ordered by the United Nations (UN) last Feb. 14th and accepted by the Association of South Eastern Nations (ASEAN) is done with the meeting today Feb. 22nd in Djarkata under the auspices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia now current (rotating) Chair of ASEAN. The final deal is for the two warring nations to embed Indonesian observers in their respective armies to facilitate the implementation of , and monitor the cease-fire. The pending problem: border demarcation. The snag: Demarcation based on what map? - Only the International Court of Justice is competent to decide, in conjonction with their Jugment dated June 15th, 1962. I am glad that PM Hun Sen now agrees on this point that was proposed before by the France based Cambodia Borders Committee Chaired by Former minister Seang Peng Se.
A step at a time. Time to look also at the Eastern and Southern Borders.

Note: On the Northern borders I receive today an email from Dr. Khatharya UM sending me a copy of the letter by King Sisowath dated November 5th, 1906 to the French Resident Superior. Copy will be in the Documents tap of the Menu bar.

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