Monday, February 7, 2011

17. Cambodia - Thailand Conflict: Toward a Solution?

Finally Cambodian PM Hun Sen lodges a complaint to the UN accusing Thailand of violating:
1. Article 2.3, 2.4, and 94.1 of the UN Charter;
2. Article 2 of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeat Asia; and
3. Article 2 of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement Article 2.2.c and 2.2.d.
The Cambodian wants also UN Peace Keepers coming to stay in the buffer zone.

The Thai side wants to continue the bilateral settlemnt. Is it "fight,, talk..." ?

No words on the International Court of Justice decisions that pronounce in favor of Cambodia in their judgements of May 26, 1961 and June 16, 1962. The following are excerpt of the Judgements:

May 26, 1961:
   The Court
Rejects the first preliminary objection of Thailand, and finds that it has juridiction to adjudicate upon the dispute submitted to it on 6 October 1959 by the Application of Cambodia.

June 15, 1962:
   The Court
. By nine votes to three,
finds that the Temple of Preah Vihear is situated in territory under the sovereignty of Cambodia;
   Finds in consequence,
. By nine votes to three,
that Thailand is under an obligation to withdraw any military or police forces, or other guards or keepers, stationed by her at the Temple, or its vicinity on Cambodian territory;
. By seven votes to five,
that Thailand is under an obligation to restore to Cambodia any objects of the kind specified in Cambodia's fith Submission which may, since the date of occupation of the Temple by Thailand in 1954, have been removed from the Temple or the Temple area by the Thai authorities.

Excerpt from ICJ Files

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