Sunday, February 27, 2011

38. The Oscars Night

Tonight Sunday 27, 2011 like every year the red carpet is rolled for the 83rd time the Oscar Award winners in the movies industry. As usual there are winners and losers. I am writing this post to honor and remember the Cambodia star winner of the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe Oscar, Dr. Haing S. Ngor, many years ago in the famous film "Killing Field" (1984), playing the role of Dith Pran assistant to journalist Sydney Schanberg. It was too bad that he was killed by a gang in Los Angeles, cutting short of a potential good career...
    Talking about the Oscar I am also thinking about the beautiful actress Angelina Jolie in the movie "Tomb Raider" that was filmed in the Angkor Park. She loved Cambodia so much that she did ask a young boy for adoption that she named him Maddox. She also sponsor an environmental project in Samlaut, Pailin. For his adopted son, she set up a center called the Maddox Center in Battambang to serve like an orphanage center. I remember she was given the Cambodian citizenship. Congratulations for her initiatives for Cambodia. Angelina Jolie is also UN Goodwill Ambassador. A role model for many...

Update, from last night show:
    Best Picture movie: The King's Speech. According to Washington Post staff writer Amy Argetsinger, this film is "about King George VI's struggle with a speech impediment and the challenges of leadership at the dawn of mass media."
   Best Actor: Colin Firth, in the movie "The King's Speech".
   Best Actress: Natalie Portman, in the movie "Black Swan".
   Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale
   Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo, in the movie "The Fighter".

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