Thursday, February 17, 2011

25. "Peace is not merely the Absence of Conflicts...

... but it is the Presence of Justice" once said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It is the case now in the conflict between Cambodia and Thailand over the Temple of Preah Vihear and its vicinity. The UNSC proposed the parties to have a permanent cease fire, but the it is a semblance of peace. But the conflict is still there and like an absess it may flare up again. The solution is to find justice for all.
   In 1962 the International Court of Justice had oncee pronounced its verdict on Preah Vihear, but it is not clear on the surrounding territory of the Temple. Now both PM advance the idea to go back to the Court for final decision. Why not go for it... and that Justice will prevail once and for all; both parties shall abide by its findings. With the triumph of Justice, Peace will return for the good of the people of both nations.

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