Monday, February 14, 2011

23. Valentine Day 2011: A Day of Decision

... for Cambodia. After the February 4-7 fighting, PM Hun Sen alerted the UNSC asking for a urgent meeting of th Security Council. He got it. The Council meets today and also the Foreign Affairs Ministers of both warring factions were invited to talk. Plus The Foreign Minister of Indonesia wo is current Chair of ASEAN. Among other charges Cambodia blames Thailand for also breachng the 1991 Pars Peace Accords.
    The UNSC will decide today. Read below:

UNITED NATIONS : The UN Security Council has called for a "permanent ceasefire" between Thailand and Cambodia after a border dispute erupted into deadly clashes last week around a Hindu temple.

The council insisted it would not intervene in the border dispute.
Council president Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil made the call for a ceasefire after a closed door session with the foreign ministers of Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia, which has attempted to mediate the conflict.
"Members of the Security Council urge the parties to establish a permanent ceasefire and to implement it fully," she said.
Ms Viotti said council members expressed "great concern" over the clashes and "called on the two sides to display maximum restraint and avoid any action that may aggravate the situation".

Note: Indonesia is the Co-Chair with France of the Paris Political Setlement Agreement aka the Paris Peace Agreement signed in ParisOctober 23, 1991.

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