Monday, March 18, 2013

Cambodia March 18

It is another day like any others in the calendar, but on March 1970, this was having a huge significance. It was the day that the Cambodian National Assembly voted to strip down all powers from the Prince Norodom Sihanouk, then Head of State. He was at that time in France for medical treatment.
     The change tantamount to a "Revolution" that later demolish the Monarchy that was the system of Government since time immemorial to a republican system that had the country name changed to the Khmer Republic.
     Tow political figures are behind the change: General Lon Nol the head of the Administration, and his deputy Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak. They all passed away. The wisdom of the change is still in public debate, but rightly or wrongly it lead to the reemergence of the Khmer Rouge that caused havoc, the root causes of many tragedies one after another and their consequences and scars until now.
     A good lesson for the actual politicians and leaders of Cambodia now.

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