Saturday, March 30, 2013

Grenade Attack

16 years ago today at a peaceful demonstration organized by opposition leader Sam Raingsy, 4 grenades were thrown by unidentified criminals killing a dozen people with many more wounded. Sam Rainsy who was the target of the attack was safe protected by body guards who were killed.

None were arrested to date. One American was also injured that would trigger the FBI to get involved in the investigation.

    There was no conclusive results of the investigations. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cambodia March 18

It is another day like any others in the calendar, but on March 1970, this was having a huge significance. It was the day that the Cambodian National Assembly voted to strip down all powers from the Prince Norodom Sihanouk, then Head of State. He was at that time in France for medical treatment.
     The change tantamount to a "Revolution" that later demolish the Monarchy that was the system of Government since time immemorial to a republican system that had the country name changed to the Khmer Republic.
     Tow political figures are behind the change: General Lon Nol the head of the Administration, and his deputy Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak. They all passed away. The wisdom of the change is still in public debate, but rightly or wrongly it lead to the reemergence of the Khmer Rouge that caused havoc, the root causes of many tragedies one after another and their consequences and scars until now.
     A good lesson for the actual politicians and leaders of Cambodia now.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mam Sonando Free again

Freed Cambodian Activist to Push Democracy


Mam Sonando addresses supporters on his release from Prey Sar Prison in Phnom Penh, March 15, 2013.
Cambodian activist and independent radio chief Mam Sonando walked out of prison Friday after a court quashed his conviction for alleged involvement in a secession plot, pledging to continue his efforts to promote democracy but vowing to stay clear of politics.

“I will not establish any political party and I will not become involved in politics,” he told RFA’s Khmer Service after throngs of jubilant supporters greeted him when he stepped out of Prey Sar Prison in Phnom Penh.

“I will educate the people about their rights, the law, and democracy so that voters will be better informed,” said the 71-year-old director of the popular Beehive Radio station and president of Cambodia’s Democrats Association, an active nongovernmental organization.

Upon his release at around 9:00 a.m. local time Friday, supporters carried him on their shoulders through a crowd of some 1,000 people playing drums and shouting “three cheers for the president.”

A day earlier, Cambodia’s Court of Appeal ordered his release after prosecutors sought to drop two of the most serious charges against him—insurrection and incitement to take up arms against the state.

He was arrested in July last year, convicted of the charges three months later, and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The Appeals Court on Thursday, however, convicted Mam Sonando on a new charge of illegal logging under the Forestry Law and reduced his sentence to five years, with eight months—or time served—in prison and the rest suspended.

“I would like to say thank you very much for your support,” he told the crowd of supporters who came to greet him. “It’s been almost one year since I have met with the people. When I spend time with the villagers, I get so excited that I feel like I am in paradise.”

He traveled to his home from the prison in an open car and was greeted by additional supporters who streamed out of their homes to celebrate his release. Local monks blessed him on arrival at home in Kandal province just outside the capital Phnom Penh.

Back to work

Mam Sonando told RFA that despite the widespread support he enjoys for his work advancing democracy and human rights, he plans to refrain from politics in the lead-up to Cambodia’s national polls in July.

He said he plans to continue his active role in his NGO.

“I am committed to the Democrats Association—I don’t do politics,” he said.

But he added that he would maintain close contact with all of the country’s political parties in a bid to improve the living standards of the Cambodian people.

Mam Sonando also said that he hopes to increase the range of his radio station to reach more remote areas of the country, although the Ministry of Information has so far prevented him from doing so.

The rights activist expressed mixed feelings about his release, saying he was glad to be free, but unhappy that he had been convicted for a crime he didn’t  commit.

“I am happy that I have been released, but I am also sad because I didn’t commit any crime. The court convicted me of a crime that I never could have conceived of,” he said.

“A sentence of 20 years in prison makes me seem like a vicious kind of person.”

Mam Sonando was accused and convicted of plotting to establish an autonomous region in Cambodia’s eastern Kratie province following a mass occupation of land that triggered a security crackdown and bloody clashes in May.

The clashes occurred after some 1,000 village families refused a government order to vacate state land they had used for farming and which activists said had been awarded as a concession to a Russian firm planning to set up a rubber plantation.

A 14-year-old girl, Heng Chantha, was shot dead by government forces during the clashes.

International reaction

Cambodian authorities had faced intense international and domestic pressure to release Mam Sonando, who has Cambodian-French dual citizenship, with U.S. President Barack Obama and French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault among those who called for his freedom.

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya Subedi, welcomed Mam Sonando’s release in a statement Friday, saying he was glad that the appeals court had considered some of his recommendations about the original trial during his last visit to the country in December.

“The Court of Appeal found that there was no evidence to support many of the charges, after first instance sentences of periods up to 20 years on charges including instigating insurrection,” Subedi said.

“Some of the significant defects in the original trial, which were highlighted by some of my interlocutors with whom I met during my last mission to the Kingdom in December 2012, were remedied on appeal.”

But he expressed concern that some of the original convictions remained against Mam Sonando, and that other new charges and convictions had been introduced without an opportunity for the rights activist to defend himself.

“I have followed the case of Mam Sonando closely, and I visited him in prison last December to hear his own views on the process. The link between the prosecution of Mam Sonando and freedom of expression in Cambodia is of concern to me,” he said.

“As I noted in my last report to the [U.N.] Human Rights Council, genuine freedom of expression is essential to any well-functioning democratic society.”

Subedi urged the Cambodian government, civil society, the U.N., and Cambodia’s donor countries to be “vigilant” in promoting and protecting the right to freedom of expression in the lead-up to July’s elections.

Reported by RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.

Cambodia: CPP Congress

Cambodia's ruling party holds congress, vowing to gain victory in July's polls   2013-03-16 12:41:47              
PHNOM PENH, March 16 (Xinhua) -- About 2,200 senior members of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) gathered here on Saturday to lay out strategies in order to gain victory in a general election on July 28, the party's chief said.
"Our party's conference today is to evaluate the results of the implementation of the party's political platform in the last five years and to lay out the next five-year political platform," CPP's President Chea Sim said in the opening remarks.
"The new political platform is the party's most important political agenda in order to serve electoral campaigns in seeking support from voters in the general election on July 28, 2013," he said.
Chea Sim, who is currently serving as the President of the Senate, said in the last five years, under the CPP's leadership, Cambodia has attained great achievements in all fields--politics, economics, social affairs, culture, foreign affairs and so on.
"The country has maintained political, social, macro-economic and financial stabilities and firmly defended sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and social safety," he said.
The two-day congress is expected to reaffirm its support for the candidate of incumbent Prime Minister Hun Sen, CPP's Vice- President, for the post of Prime Minister for the 5th legislative term as Cambodia sets to hold the general election in July.
Hun Sen, 61, has been in power for 28 years and vowed to stay in the office until he is 90.
The CPP won up to 90 seats out the 123 parliamentary seats in the last election in July 2008.

Comment: Communist China just changed their Premier. Cambodia should follow this trend ...

Vietnam Thailand Partnership

Thailand, Vietnam mull strategic partnership   2013-03-16 18:59:00              
BANGKOK, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has visited Thailand to work on details of upgrading relationship between the two countries, Thai News Agency reported on Saturday.
Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said the visit by his Vietnamese counterpart on Friday came on the heels of Thursday's meeting in the Laotian capital of Vientiane between Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his Thai counterpart Yingluck Shinawatra on the issue.
In an unofficial joint cabinet meeting in October last year, the prime ministers of both countries agreed in principle to foster bilateral relationship to the level of "strategic partners. " The issue was reiterated during Thursday's meeting of the two leaders.
Surapong said Thailand looked forward to wrapping up the issue before the Vietnamese prime minister's visit to Thailand later this year.
He stressed Thailand's readiness to host the first Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) meeting between top officials of the two countries, which is the major mechanism of cooperation between Bangkok and Hanoi. The JCBC meeting should be held in September, he said.
Editor: Fu Pen

Comment: Last time when in 1997  Cambodia had internal problems Thailand and Vietnam met and agreed on sharing on continental shelves at the expenses of Cambodia. What next?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mam Sonando Released from Jail

PHNOM PENH, March 14 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's Court of Appeal on Thursday reduced jail term for Mam Sonando, owner of the Beehive Radio and president of the Association of Democrats, to five years with remaining jail term being suspended, according to a verdict announced by presiding judge Khun Leang Meng.
The court found Sonando, 72, guilty of obstruction of public officials, interference in the discharge of public duties, and illegal logging, he said.
Sonando, who was arrested on July 15, 2012 at his house in Phnom Penh, will be released on Saturday after he has served eight months in jail, the judge said.
"I support the court for giving a suspended jail term to my client," Sonando's defense lawyer Sar Sovan told reporters.
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Oct. 1 last year convicted Sonando of masterminding a "secessionist" plot and sentenced him to 20 years in jail.
The court found that Sonando masterminded a plot to establish an autonomous region in eastern Kratie province in May last year. At that time, there was a violent clash between the government forces and illegal land holders. As a result, a 14-year-old girl was shot dead by government forces.
Some western countries see the conviction of Sonando as a political motivated move to stifle a popular government critic.
In November last year, while attending ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, U.S. President Barack Obama urged Cambodia to release political prisoners during a bilateral meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
Obama highlighted the case of Sonando for instance.
However, Hun Sen said, "In Cambodia, there is no political prisoner, but politicians abused the law, so they must be punished in accordance with the law."

Editor: Yang Yi 

Comment: He was released Friday March 15, 2013. Recently there were more pressure from the US (Mr. Posner), and from NGO (the Amnesty International). He was put on man carried chair with the over of a golden decorated parasol like a King with a crowd of 200 waiting to cheer him.
His release may not help the case of Sam Rainsy. Mam Sonando was always blaming Sam Rainsy; he was supported by the Khmer People Power movement who is boycotting the next July legislative elections. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mini Asia Summit

PHNOM PENH, March 11 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen left here on Monday afternoon for a series of summits in Vientiane, Laos, to be held on March 12-13.
The premier was accompanied by dozens of senior officials including ministers of foreign affairs, commerce, energy, environment, tourism, agriculture, transport, and officials in charge of investment, as well as provincial governors along Cambodian border with Vietnam and Laos, Srey Thamrong, a minister attached to Prime Minister Hun Sen, told reporters at Phnom Penh International Airport before the departure.
The upcoming summits include the seventh Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Summit, the sixth Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-Vietnam (CLMV) Summit, and the 5th Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya- Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) Summit, he said.
"These summits will focus talks on the development in all fields in these Mekong River countries -- including the cooperation in trade and investment, tourism, agriculture, industries, energy, transportation by water, land and air, human resources development, health, and environment," he said.
During the summits, the leaders of CLV will sign the joint statement on strengthening cooperation in the CLV Development Triangle, according to a media statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
While the CLMV and ACMECS leaders will adopt the joint statement of the sixth CLMV Summit, the Vientiane declaration of the fifth ACMECS Summit, and ACMECS plan of action 2013-2015, it said.
Besides attending the summits, Hun Sen will hold a bilateral talk with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and pay a courtesy call on President of Laos Choummaly Sayasone, Srey Thamrong said.
Editor: Yang Yi 
Comment: What it is feared the most is that The Triangle Development CLV is the starting point of the Vietnamese expansion into Cambodia like the "Tache d'Huile" that will very slowly expand. The concessions that Vietnam got is within the Vietnamese schemes of the "Peau de leopard", that allow for the Vietnamese presence all over Cambodia.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Russia and Vietnam on Defense

HANOI, March 4 (Xinhua) -- A high-ranking Russian military delegation led by Minister of Defense General Sergei Shoigu paid an official visit to Vietnam from March 4 to 5, at the invitation of Vietnamese Minister of National Defense General Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnam's state-run news agency reported on Monday.
The visit, the first to Vietnam made by Sergei Shoigu since he took office on November 6, 2012 as Russian minister of defense, took place in the context that Vietnam and Russia have lifted their strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership since July 2012.
Hence the visit is expected to contribute to consolidating and strengthening their traditional and friendly relations, and for long-term and stable development in military and military techniques, said the report.
During his stay, Sergei Shoigu planned to hold talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Phung Quang Thanh, pay a courtesy visit to Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang, visit the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center and the Vietnamese Navy's Zone 4 headquarter.

What Next? : Before withe US, now with Russia ... To counteract with China ? - VS