Friday, April 8, 2011

Government Shutdown: Only in the USA

In the last few weeks and days, especially in the last 2-3days or so, there was intense negoatiations between the Reublicans that controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate and the White House led by the Democrats. The issue is the Budget. The Republicans who won the House at the mid-term elections claimed that they got the mandadte from the American people to cut the expenses to trim down the deficit that amounted to the trillions of dollars. The Democratscaimed they have also the mandate from the mandate from the people and they have their programs to serve the people and the country.
    The Democrats acceptent to negotiate and make some cuts in expenses but the Republicans wanted more. They have the Tea Party patriots behind to push them to resist the pressure. By the midnight hour EST if no compromise this Friday March 8, 2011, the Government will shut down and will affect 800, 000 federal employees... It happened one time before in 1995 in time of President Clinton. I was a State employee and was not affected by that shutdown.
    We will see what happe before modnight: Shut down or not?

If shut down, the Republicans got 37% of the blame, the Democrats got 20% and the President got 20%, that what the one of the Polls shows.

This is the Democratic Game people play, and it happen only in the USA, as I know. They are fighting for the next election for the White House in 2012, in the Fall next year.

Update: Just hour before deadline leaders of both parties have agreement on a deal and avoid government shutdow.

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